Audio Recorder:

Zoom H4N pro (this works for us, but depending on how many people you’ll be having on the podcast at a time, you may want to consider other options with more mic inputs. I'm currently using an XLR splitter so that I can have 3 inputs instead of the 2 that the Zoom has built in. You just need something that can record audio. If you only ever record in one place, you can always record directly to your computer on a program like Garageband or Adobe Audition. )


  • 4gb SD card

  • Zoom AD14 AC power supply

  • 3x 6’ XLR cables


Shure SM7B (this is one of the best vocal mics on the market today, and is priced appropriately. If you want to go cheaper, just look for any cardioid mic in your price range.)

MXL Shotgun mic

Rode NTG 1 shotgun mic


  • Cloudlifter CL1 (preamp to boost the power to the SM7B)

  • 3x mic stands

  • Pop filters for any mic that doesn't come with a wind cover


Noise cancelling headphones to monitor the audio

We also put 2 sound blankets down on the floor to help eliminate some of the reverb since we tape in a space with hardwood floors. If you record in a space with carpets or really dampened sound, you won’t need these.